Essential to our success is the relationship between the nursery, parents and guardians, which is also crucial to the wellbeing, development and progress of your child. During your child’s time at Happy Home, we will encourage and promote a two-way flow of information and expertise. The more we know about your child and the more you know about us, the more successful we will be -- in creating a partnership that is fully supportive of your child’s welfare and development. Bearing in mind that your child could be with us for a few years, it is essential we establish an environment that makes it easy to exchange information and views. We sincerely believe this to be a joint effort between the nursery, parents and guardians. We will do our best to ensure that this partnership succeeds.
Monthly Newsletter
These letters are emailed to parents, outlining the coming topic and activities that have been planned for each month. Generally, the newsletter is sent within the first week of every month in a given term of the year.
Parents can communicate with the teachers, supervisor, nursery manager through email, telephone and communication diary. We emphasize more on communication diary for day to day communication.
Important emails:
Parent Teacher Meetings
PTM is held at every 45 days where the teachers take the time to sit with parents during scheduled meetings to discuss the progress of their child during the allocated time. This formally strengthens the vital link between the home environment and what your child is doing in the Nursery. We understand that the parents are a child’s first teacher and therefore believe this communication with parents is critical.
General Circulars
Upcoming Nursery Events and relevant topics are communicated on our website and will be sent by email as a circular.
Health Related News Letters – Our staff nurse will contact the parent personally, in the case of any health related issues of a child, hence we encourage you to save the nursery landline number so that in the case of emergency or exigency you are able to pick the call.